one box with clothes with other clothes folded next to it

How To Store Clothes in a Storage Unit

StaxUP Storage | June 17, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

How To Store Clothes in a Storage Unit - A Magical Guide!

Wondering how to store clothes in a storage unit without risking damage? Storing clothing correctly is crucial to prevent mold, pests, and discoloration. This guide will walk you through the essentials: from cleaning and drying clothes properly, choosing the right containers, organizing your items, to maintaining the ideal conditions within your storage space. Get ready to transform your storage unit into a safe haven for your garments, ensuring they remain as pristine as the day you stored them.

Key Takeaways

  • Wash and dry all apparel like you’re cleansing a curse to prevent mildew and pest parties in your storage space.
  • Summon sturdy plastic bins and acid-free tissue paper to serve as guardians against the dark forces of dust, moisture, and pests.
  • Organize and label your wardrobe with the precision of a spell book, and ready your armor (aka winter coats) for their hibernation in the barracks of plastic containers.

Preparing Your Clothes for Storage

Clean and dry clothes thoroughly before storage

Our first step in wardrobe wizardry centers around preparation. Think of it as the base potion for ensuring your clothes emerge from storage just as fabulous as when they entered. Washing all your clothes before storage isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s your frontline defense against the dark arts of mold, mildew, and uninvited pests. Even your ‘clean’ clothes can harbor invisible residues like oils or sweat that, over time, can cause discoloration quicker than you can say “Abracadabra!”. Ensure every item is thoroughly washed before considering packing., because nothing ruins a grand entrance like a shirt with an unexpected ‘vintage’ stain.

Choosing the Right Detergent

Next, we’ll delve into the topic of detergents. Not all potions are created equal, and the same goes for detergents when prepping your clothes for their hibernation. A mild, fragrance-free detergent is your best bet to minimize residue and keep your clothes from becoming a midnight snack for pests. Think of it as an invisibility cloak against critters and discoloration, because let’s face it, the only thing you want lingering on your clothes is the magic of looking fabulous, not the scent of spring meadows attracting moths.

Ensuring Clothes Are Completely Dry

The last step before packing involves thoroughly drying your clothes. Clothes need to be bone dry, as even a hint of dampness can conjure up a whole coven of mold and mildew in your storage unit. Mildew just loves to throw a party in warm, dark, and damp environments, and your slightly damp T-shirt is the perfect venue. Make no mistake, residual moisture is like sending out an open invitation to these unwelcome guests, and they will RSVP ‘yes’ to ruining your clothes.

Make sure all your clothes are completely dry; it’s the protective circle that keeps the bad juju of mold at bay.

Selecting Appropriate Storage Containers

Selecting Appropriate Storage Containers

After ensuring your clothes are immaculately clean, it’s time to select their interim abode. Trusty plastic storage bins with snap-shut lids are the knights in shining armor for your clothes, offering airtight protection against:

  • humidity
  • water
  • dust
  • pests

Cardboard boxes might seem like a convenient option, but they’re about as protective as a paper shield in a dragon fight.

Therefore, prefer high-quality plastic bins over plastic bags or cardboard to maintain the prime condition of your clothes.

Acid-Free Tissue Paper for Delicate Clothing

For your delicate threads and textiles, acid-free tissue paper is the protective charm you need. Just like a delicate potion needs the right ingredients, your fine fabrics need the right kind of care. By wrapping them in acid-free tissue paper, you’re preventing any dark magic (a.k.a. chemical interactions) from discoloring or deteriorating your garments over time.

Consider it a tender cradle for your most prized garments, preserving their quality as though frozen in time.

The Role of Vacuum Bags

Vacuum bags may seem like a nifty space-saving trick, but they can compress your clothes tighter than a corset at a Renaissance fair - and that’s not always a good thing. Natural fibers like wool need room to breathe and suffocating them in a vacuum bag can lead to fabric damage and a sad wardrobe wizard.

Elisabeth Miller, a sage in the storage realm, warns that vacuum packing can curse your clothes with permanent creases and damage the fibers. So, unless you’re storing your stretchy yoga pants, steer clear of vacuum bags for your valuable vestments.

Organizing Clothes Strategically

Organizing Clothes Strategically

Having chosen the appropriate containers, the next step involves clothing organization as if you’re preparing a spell book - with precision and strategy. Grouping clothing by fabric type is like sorting potions by their volatility; it prevents any accidental damage and ensures that your natural fibers can breathe and retain their enchantments. And just as a wizard needs to easily find the right spell, you should consider grouping clothes by season or type and strategically placing containers to optimize the use of storage space.

Grouping Seasonal Clothing

In terms of seasonal clothes management, segregating your winter and summer collections isn’t merely convenient; it’s a masterstroke of efficiency. By storing seasonal clothing together, you’re not only saving space but also creating an easy way to transition your wardrobe as the seasons change.

Imagine opening your storage unit and finding all your summer attire ready to go without having to dig through piles of winter wear. Now that’s what I call a neat trick!

Labeling for Efficiency

The last organizational step involves labeling. Just as every potion bottle in a wizard’s apothecary is clearly marked, your storage containers should have labels as crystal clear as a truth serum. Whether you’re using a color-coded system, pictures, or detailed lists, labels will cut down the time you spend foraging for that one shirt you need right now.

It’s the simple yet powerful enchantment that keeps your storage unit from turning into a labyrinth of lost garments.

Climate Controlled Storage Unit: A Must-Have

Invest in a climate-controlled storage unit

Every clothing storage expert knows, the climate inside your storage unit is as vital as the constituents of a magic potion. A climate controlled storage unit is like a protective bubble that shields your clothes from the extremes of temperature and humidity. It’s the difference between pulling out a perfectly preserved dress and one that’s been through a troll’s workout routine.

Especially if you live in a land of scorching summers or frosty winters, a climate controlled unit is a treasure worth investing in.

Mastering the Art of Packing Clothing

Mastering the Art of Packing Clothing

Packing your clothes is an art that requires more skill than simply stuffing a turkey. You don’t just throw them into a box and hope for the best. Instead, you fold them with the care of an origami master, ensuring each piece is crease-free and happy.

For more delicate items in your wardrobe, such as knits and sweaters, a gentle fold provides the protection they need to emerge unscathed from the storage battlefield.

Fold or Hang?

The eternal question: should you fold or hang? Delicate garments should be hung as if they’re on display in a royal court, using wooden or padded hangers to maintain their regal appearance. Wardrobe boxes are the castles for these items, with built-in bars that keep clothes hanging straight and true.

For those garments that prefer the comfort of a drawer, folding is the way to go. Just avoid the curse of the wire hanger, which can warp and mutilate your clothes as if they’ve been through a troll’s grip.

Avoiding Wire Hangers

As for wire hangers, they’re the nemesis in the world of wardrobes. They twist and distort your clothes into shapes even a contortionist couldn’t achieve. Instead, opt for the padded or wooden variety that support and care for your garments as if they were their own kin.

Remember, in the realm of clothing storage, wire hangers are as welcome as a dragon at a knights’ joust.

Protective Measures Against Pests and Moisture

Your clothes are packed and prepared for their lengthy storage stint, but before you temporarily part with them, they must be protected from the dual threats of pests and moisture. Cedar chips and lavender are the guardians of your wardrobe, repelling moths and imparting a scent that’s as pleasant as a spring meadow.

And let’s not forget silica gel packets, the unsung heroes that absorb moisture and keep your clothes dry as a desert.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Just as the most powerful spells require upkeep, so does your storage unit. Set a date every few months to check on your cherished clothing, as vigilance is key in spotting any early signs of damage.

And just as a sword needs sharpening, your clothes need refolding every couple of years to prevent permanent creases that could diminish their splendor.

Maximizing Closet Space at Home

While your off-season outfits are in storage, seize the opportunity to declutter and optimize your home closet space. Purge the items that have lost their charm, and organize what remains in a way that would impress even the most meticulous of librarians, all while aiming to save space.

With clever storage solutions like shallow drawers and decorative ladders, you’ll create a sanctuary for your attire that’s both functional and visually enchanting.

Special Considerations for Specific Items

Some clothing items in your wardrobe resemble rare potion ingredients - they demand special care. Delicate fabrics should be stored in breathable containers to preserve their quality as if by an alchemist’s touch.

For those garments that demand to be hung like royalty, wardrobe boxes with built-in bars are their palaces, ensuring they remain pristine and ready for the next royal ball.

Preserving Leather Goods While in Storage Unit

Leather goods are like the noble steeds of your wardrobe; they need proper care before being stowed away. Clean and condition them as you would prepare a horse for a long journey, ensuring they remain supple and free from the brittleness of neglect.

Wrap them in soft cotton instead of plastic, allowing them to breathe and avoid the suffocating embrace that could lead to their demise.

Care for Winter Coats

Your winter coats are the armor against the cold, and as such, should be stored with the respect they deserve. Plastic containers are their barracks, offering enough space to maintain their shape and insulation properties.

Treat them well, and they’ll be ready to defend you against the chill when the winter winds howl once more.

Utilizing Self Storage Unit Features

To keep your store clothes, secure during their storage journey, opt for a self storage facility boasting security measures that could rival a castle’s. Look for features like 24/7 surveillance and secure access, providing peace of mind that your clothes in storage are under constant protection. And don’t forget about insurance options - for a knightly sum, you can shield your wardrobe against unforeseen perils while storing clothes.


From the meticulous laundering to the strategic packing, you’ve mastered the arcane knowledge of storing clothes. Armed with this wisdom, your garments will remain in a state of timeless elegance, ready to enchant the world anew when they emerge from their storage sanctuary. Go forth with confidence, knowing that your wardrobe is secured against the ravages of time and elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need to wash all my clothes before storage, even if they're clean?

Yes, it's necessary because even clean-looking clothes can still have oils and sweat that attract pests and cause discoloration over time. So, it's better to wash them before storage!

Can I use cardboard boxes for storing clothes?

No way! Cardboard boxes can attract insects and don't protect against moisture. Go for high-quality plastic bins with tight-sealing lids instead.

Is it okay to use vacuum bags for storing clothes?

Vacuum bags can save space but be cautious as they may cause creasing and fabric damage, especially with natural fibers. Use them sparingly to avoid any issues!

How often should I check on my clothes in storage?

You should plan to inspect your clothes in storage every few months and consider refolding them every one to two years to prevent permanent creases. Don't let those clothes get too comfortable without your supervision!

Should leather goods be wrapped in plastic for storage?

Absolutely not! Placing leather goods in plastic can actually cause them to dry out and crack. Opt for soft cotton blankets for storage instead.

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